Studies in Comparative Religion
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Dharmakara's Vow - (Article)
Schuon, Frithjof

The Heavenly Jerusalem and the Paradise of Vaikuntha - (Article)
Burckhardt, Titus

Signs of the Times - (Article)
Lings, Martin

UNHU—The Personality of the Shona - (Article)
Gelfand, Michael

Soteriology in Shin Buddhism and its Modern Significance - (Article)
Bando, Shojun

Eastern Wisdom and Western Thought - (Book Review)
Saher, P. J.

The Transformist Illusion - (Book Review)
Dewar, Douglas

Meditation in Action - (Book Review)
Trungpa, Chogyam

Correspondences on zodiac and astrological symbolism - (Correspondence)
author(s), various

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