Studies in Comparative Religion
The First English Journal on Traditional Studies - established 1963
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Michael Anis


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Book Review
Michael Anis reviews Magic And Mystery In Tibet, a new edition of Alexandra David-Neel's With Mystics and Magicians in Tibet, which first came out more than thirty years ago. It is “the outcome of ten years private investigation into and experience of those strange concomitants of advanced states of spiritual realization.” The reviewer feels that this book’s value “lies in the fact that Mme. David-Neel describes only that which she personally witnessed, experienced or heard of first-hand, and her own scepticism lends considerable authority to her accounts of telepathy, levitation and many different kinds of psychic phenomena.” Despite Anis’ praise of the content of this book, he finds that the new publication is “slip-shod” and contains an introduction that “completely missed the point of this extraordinary work.”
Magic and Mystery in TibetDavid-Neel, Alexandra *Anis, Michael Vol. 2, No. 1. ( Winter, 1968) Comparative Religion
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