Studies in Comparative Religion
The First English Journal on Traditional Studies - established 1963
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Ursula Sharma


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The idea of physical objects as tools within Hindu rituals that take humans to the Divine, is the main subject of this article. Sharma examines how the image in Hindu rituals is a focal point for worship, but not the thing worshipped. The actual techniques used in rituals are outlined in this article, and the concentration of these rituals is primarily within villages rather than large temples. The physical depiction of deities, and how they vary depending on the specific god in the village temple or city temple, is also examined here. Sharma concludes his article with the point that images are designed to embody the deities and their presence, but are not actually the deities themselves.
The Image and its Meaning in Popular Hindu RitualSharma, Ursula M. Vol. 1, No. 4. ( Autumn, 1967) Hinduism
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