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Schuon, Frithjof
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Cahill, P. Joseph
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Raine, Kathleen
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Coomaraswamy, Rama P.
Christian traditionalist Rama Coomaraswamy summarizes the content of this essay by noting that "in recent years there has been a revival of interest in the Prayer of the Name of Jesus. Various groups…have embraced this form of prayer without any foundation in its theology, and without the 'protection' that a traditional and orthodox basis provides. The author of this paper makes no attempt to present a historical or scholarly text; rather he hopes to provide the reader with an outline or introduction that will place this form of prayer in its proper perspective.…What I hope to show is that this form of prayer is deeply rooted in the Traditions of the Western Church and has been so from time immemorial. Even more, I hope to show that it is a prayer eminently suitable to contemporary man and the present times."
Schuon, Frithjof
This review by Martin Lings of Frithjof Schuon's book Islam and the Perennial Philosophy identifies some of the highlights of the book's topics, such as the phenomenon of Shi‘ism within Islam, the question of how evil can exist in God's creation, a broad survey of many aspects of "Paradise", the limitations but also the adequateness of revealed religious form, and an examination of spiritual hyperbole versus 'logical' thinking.