Studies in Comparative Religion
The First English Journal on Traditional Studies - established 1963
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During the course of its publication, the original iteration of Studies in Comparative Religion and it's predecessor journal, Tomorrow, published nearly 1000 articles. Many of the preeminent scholars in the Traditionalist field were regular contributors to its pages. Issue often featured works from the likes Frithjof Schuon, Martin Lings, Titus Burckhardt, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr side by side.

These articles are fully searchable on Studies in Comparative . However, the Text Browse section is designed to allow the easy viewing of articles by some of the most popular contributors, or by the subject of the article.

The available text browse lists are as follows:
‘Abd al-Qadir, Amir
Algar, Hamid
Almquist, Kurt
Arberry, A.J.
Atiyeh, George N.
Austin, Ralph
Awolalu, Joseph Omosade
Bando, Shojun
Bennigsen, Alexandre
Benoist, Luc
Bernadine of Siena, Saint
Bishop, Donald
Blake, Douglas
Brown, Joseph Epes
Burckhardt, Titus
Cahill, P. Joseph
Casey, Gerard
Clive-Ross, F.
Coomaraswamy, Ananda
Coomaraswamy, Rama
Cooper, J.C.
Cowan, James
Danner, Victor
de Borron, Robert
de Jesse, Bruno
Dewar, Douglas
Duncan, Alistair
Eaton, Gai
Fidelis Sapientiae, (pen name)
Gampopa, Guru
Griffin, John
Grinnell, George Bird
Guénon, René
Han-Shan, (in Japan: "Kanzan")
Herring, Rev. Ian
Hobson, Peter
Horváth, Róbert
Jagadguru of Kanchi, HH the 68th
James, John
Keeble, Brian
Lemercier-Quelquejay, Chantal
Lindbom, Tage
Lings, Martin
Lipsey, Roger
Ma, Fu-ch’u
Moore, Peter
Moore, Alvin
Nasr, Seyyed Hossein
Needleman, Jacob
Northbourne, Lord
Oldmeadow, Harry
Pallis, Marco
Panikkar, Raimundo
Perry, T.A.
Perry, Catherine
Perry, Whitall
Perry, Clara
Petitpierre, Francois
Pietsch, Roland
Pourjavady, Nasrollah
Raine, Kathleen
Reat, Noble Ross
Rinpoche, Samdhong
Saran, A.K.
Schaya, Leo
Schuon, Frithjof
Seattle, Chief
Sedgwick, Mark
Sherrard, Philip
Siraj ad-Din, Abu Bakr
Staveley, Lilian
Stoddart, William
Verax, (nom de plume)
Villanova, Thomas of
Wall, Bernard

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